ISB has a Bursary Programme to support families unable to pay full school fees. which is adjusted to their gross family income.
ISB is an independent, self-supporting educational institution registered in Germany as a non-profit association and recognised in the State of Bremen as an “anerkannte Ersatzschule”. The Directors, who will assess all bursary applications and are responsible for establishing policies for the operation of the school, have created a programme for families who can demonstrate financial need after completing a bursary application form.
In the context of its Bursary Programme ISB offers applicants socially affordable school fees. The programme applies to students of grades 1 to 12.
Parents or Guardians, can file an application for reduction of the school fees and the registration fee if the family‘s means are such that the school fees cannot be paid in full (in the meaning of the German Basic Law [Grundgesetz], art. 7, sec. 4). The family‘s means are its financial assets and it's income.
In the context of this programme the school takes into account the family’s assets as well as the gross monthly income. The relevant gross monthly family income is defined as all positive income obtained by all persons belonging to the same household. If the annual gross family income is below EUR 100,000, an application for reduction can be filed. Applicants must submit a registration certificate which proves that their main residence is in Germany, supply their financial details including bank statements. A review of the gross family income will be made annually.
Discounts apply to the annual payable school fees as well as the registration and admissions fees are due once. Please see the Bursary Reduction Guidelines to check whether you are eligible and which percentage maybe applicable.
In exceptional circumstances and upon request the already reduced school fees can be further reduced – contrary to the standard reduction programme – in the event that the relevant family is not able to pay the already reduced school fees because of an especially difficult family situation. Such a situation should be explained to the school’s management in a personal meeting. Please email the Director’s PA for this matter.
All interested families can file their application for reduction of the school fees by submitting an email.

2. Child | 25 |
3. Child | 50 |
4. Child + | On enquiry |
Sum of all Annual Earnings/Annual Gross Family Income.
FROM € | TO € | DISCOUNT % |
0 | 30,000 | * |
30,000 | 35,000 | 95 |
35,000 | 40,000 | 85 |
40,000 | 45,000 | 75 |
45,000 | 50,000 | 65 |
50,000 | 55,000 | 55 |
55,000 | 60,000 | 45 |
60,000 | 65,000 | 40 |
65,000 | 70,000 | 35 |
70,000 | 75,000 | 30 |
75,000 | 80,000 | 25 |
80,000 | 85,000 | 20 |
85,000 | 90,000 | 15 |
90,000 | 95,000 | 10 |
95,000 | 100,000 | 5 |
> 100,000 | 0 |
*Applicants with an income of up to EUR 30,000 must discuss their situation with the Operations and Financial Director
For each additional child the child allowance is deducted from the relevant annual gross family income. The calculated chargeable annual income will be the basis for reduction of the annual school fees/one-time registration fee for all children applied for. The relevant percentage reduction is indicated in the table “chargeable annual income”. The listed percentage rate shows the possible reduction of the school fees/one-time registration fee. The amount resulting from the percentage reduction is deducted from the standard school fees/registration fee. Applicants with an income below EUR 30,000 only have to pay the minimum annual school fees and the minimum one-time registration fee.