Future Ready | Why ISB | International School of Bremen


In 1996 a group of forwarding thinking and innovative thinkers met with the idea of establishing an International School for Bremen. The committee that was established at that time included the Education Authority, the Chamber of Commerce, internationally-oriented companies, the Economic Development Agency and interested parents.

From this, the School's mission was created and is as valid today as it was then:

The International School of Bremen is an independent school for students wanting an International learning experience within the community of Bremen.


In partnership with family and community, ISB maintains a high commitment to educational excellence in both teaching and learning. It provides an academic, social and physical education in English that promotes the development of responsible, ethical citizens in an ever-changing global society.


Then, 25+ years ago, on 4 September 1998, this vision took shape and the International School of Bremen opened in the Thomas-Mann Straße in Bremen where it remained, growing from year to year, given the original predictions that the School would have 40 - 60 students.

Becoming a victim of its own success and under the leadership of Mr Davis (Director, of ISB 2005-2018) with rapidly rising student numbers and the need for extra teachers and teaching space, the search began for a new school site.

In August 2011 the dream came true! The new ISB building was constructed and opened in less than a year - from those 3 students whose parents trusted and saw the potential of an International School in 1998, ISB has become a thriving educational community.

We thank all the parents, students, directors, teachers, support staff, board members and business partners for their hard work and support in the first 20 years of ISB and here's to the next 20 years.

Thank you all.