Parents Association | Friends of ISB | International School of Bremen


For over 25 years the International School of Bremen has been known for its growing and diverse community of students, teachers, parents and many more.

The school does not only provide the students with the opportunity of excellent education, but also with the possibility of never ending friendship, in an open international spirit, with the possibility to achieve greatness. To be able to stay a part of this community even after leaving the school, we welcome you to join our Alumni Association. Whether you have been with us for a year or for half of your life time, you will always be a part of the ISB family.

The Alumni Association will let you stay up to date with events happening at the ISB but also let you stay in touch with friends, fellow students or your former teachers. The community gets together at least once a year, inviting all its members to join in. This is a possibility for us, as the board of the Alumni Association, to share news regarding the community and the school, but also for everybody to get back together and talk.

Statute of the Association


If you have been part of the ISB community (students and staff alike) for more than half a year we would love to welcome you in our Alumni Association. All you have to do is fill out the application form and send a scan here.

You will then receive a confirmation of you membership. If you have any questions or concerns these can also be directed to this email or to the school directly.